
You will find my photography and interesting photography articles in this section.

Going to the Birds

  While I don't normally photograph birds as a matter of course, occasionally one has to expand ones options.  The birds in this post were shot in a variety of locations from Barbados to Orlando Florida at Disney's Animal Kingdom to San Francisco's stately Place...

Cricket at the Oval – Barbados

Kensington Oval is home to cricket in Barbados and some say the Caribbean. What is cricket you ask;  Cricket is a game played between 2 teams of 11 players each.  Cricket is an old colonial game and is played in the entire British Commonwealth. Cricket is the second...

SOL Barbados Rally 2012

  This year the SOL Barbados Rally runs on June 9th and 10th, this link is the official 2012 new from the events organizers.  Here are a few of my images from last year's event. I have shared a few of my images from last year's event, please enjoy the slideshow...

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