Kensington Oval is home to cricket in Barbados and some say the Caribbean. What is cricket you ask; Cricket is a game played between 2 teams of 11 players each. Cricket is an old colonial game and is played in the entire British Commonwealth.
Cricket is the second most popular game in the world after football and is said to be the foundation of baseball.  I was invited to watch the game between Wanderers Cricket Club (Barbados) and Newcastle Lashers (UK) by up and coming Barbadian cricketer (and blogger) Jason Greene who plays for the Wanderers team, follow him on twitter for what’s happening in cricket in Barbados .
Top works bro, great photography also!
Thanks Jason, glad to hear you liked it and I appreciate the invite.
Folks, be sure to follow Jason’s blog or follow him on Twitter if you want to know what’s going on in Cricket in Barbados. Links are in the post.