by Jeremy | Jan 1, 2012 | Contests, FYP, Inspiration, News
Hello folks and Happy New Year!!! Â Welcome to the January Photography Contest in which we are happy to partner with to award an annual account to the first prize winner each and every month in this series of the contest. The winner will also be featured in...
by Jeremy | Dec 12, 2011 | FYP, Inspiration, Weekend Photo Find
Weekend Photo Focus Submissions: Other Links: Each Friday we will post a Weekend Photo Focus (also hash tagged on Twitter as #weekendphotofocus) on a certain subject, something to spark your creativity. An empty weekend for a photographer, is like an empty...
by Jeremy | Dec 9, 2011 | FYP, Inspiration, Weekend Photo Focus
This weekend we focus on various celebrations during the month of December, the theme is: “Holidays” Each Friday we will post a Weekend Photo Focus (also hash tagged on Twitter as #weekendphotofocus) on a certain subject; something to spark your...
by Jeremy | Dec 1, 2011 | Contests, FYP, Inspiration, News
Hello folks! Welcome to the December contest. We are happy to partner with and they are awarding an annual account to the first prize winner each month in this series of the contest. The winner will also be featured in the Indie Spotlight at...
by Jeremy | Nov 4, 2011 | Business, Commercial, Equipment, FYP
I don’t often go on a rant but this is my Molly Wood! A recent amazing display of lack of understanding for technical matters related to photography by a company whose business predicates on the medium brought me to the point of writing this article. At...
by Jeremy | Nov 3, 2011 | FYP, Inspiration, Photojournalism
WARNING:Â This post contains images that some may find disturbing. Documenting humanity is extreme street photography, not only do you have to capture representative images, you are often in the midst of heart-wrenching situations. Robert Larson realized he...
by Jeremy | Oct 31, 2011 | FYP, Outdoor, Outside The Box: Outdoor Photography, Portraits, Portraiture, Social Commentary
I recently discovered the $2 street photography project of Thomas Hawk and was inspired enough to share it with you. Â For the past few years Thomas has been working on a project of his called $2 Portraits and he has a gallery covering the years of this on-going...
by Jeremy | Oct 10, 2011 | Featured Photographers, FYP, Indie Spotlight, Inspiration, Portraits, Portraiture
Each Monday, we’ll highlight one indie photographer whose body of work deserves special recognition. Please enjoy their photography here, and make it a point to enjoy the rest of their work on their website.  Joel Robison is an emerging Conceptual Self-Portraiture...
by Jeremy | Oct 7, 2011 | Beginners, FYP, Inspiration, Outdoor, Sports, Tips
Panning is one of those techniques we often ignore, but can lend awesome creative input to your images and create a point of focus for the viewer. While you are not actually going to have a nugget of gold in your pan like the old western gold seekers,...
by Jeremy | Oct 6, 2011 | FYP, Inspiration, iPhoneography, News
Steve Jobs was truly one of a kind, a luminary of often unmatched caliber, may he rest in peace. Steve Jobs paid the same attention to detail in running Apple that we aspire to pay to our images. You may ask why I think Steve Jobs changed photography, and the...