What’s in a Megapixel?

What’s in a Megapixel?

  I don’t often go on a rant but this is my Molly Wood! A recent amazing display of lack of understanding for technical matters related to photography by a company whose business predicates on the medium brought me to the point of writing this article. At...
Extreme Street Photography: Haiti

Extreme Street Photography: Haiti

  WARNING:  This post contains images that some may find disturbing. Documenting humanity is extreme street photography, not only do you have to capture representative images, you are often in the midst of heart-wrenching situations. Robert Larson realized he...
FYP Photography Contest: Nature – November 2011

FYP Photography Contest: Nature – November 2011

Hello folks! Welcome to the November contest.  We are happy to partner with 500px.com and they are awarding an annual account to the first prize winner each month in this series of the contest. The winner will also be featured in the Indie Spotlight at...

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