This weekend, we’re focusing on ugly and the beauty of ugly. Below are a selection of images that range from the everyday to the unusual and rare. Share your ugly! Enjoy!
Colormess by Miss Deathwish |
Ugly by thedarkinfinity |
War by nickflicks |
No War by OfTheValleyOfDeath |
War by cristiantownsend |
ugly beauty by struller |
Ugly xD by Kamira994 |
Ugly Vegetable by Bactaboy |
ugly beautiful by bullettothehead |
raindrops and snowflakes by bogdanici-d3bz8e3 |
ugly by DaveMassacre |
Each Friday we will post a Weekend Photo Focus (also hash tagged on Twitter as #weekendphotofocus) on a certain subject, something to spark your creativity. An empty weekend for a photographer, is like an empty canvas, we could always use something to do when we have nothing planned right? So with this in mind we created this series, one that will get you out doing what you love. The premise is simple: snap some photos over the weekend dealing with the weekends focus, and if you send them to us, or Tweet them to us, we will post them for others to see. Having a focus will help us as artists & photographers see things that we might not always see, make us take a shot at something we might otherwise have not. In seeing other photogs chase after the same focus, it can only breed even more creativity in our own work.
At the weekends close, we will follow up our weekend focus, with what we found on the Web (including some of the photos sent from you) that falls in line with our focus. We hope you join in the fun and help us spread the creativity.
example of a tweet to us:
@fuelphotography Here’s my submission for this week’s #weekendphotofocus, Ugly:
happy to come here
Thank you for this great article!