by Jeremy | Feb 20, 2013 | Apps, Beginners, FYP, Inspiration, Review, Tips
This months app is not so much one that actually does editing or takes images on your cell phone but rather one that exposes you to fantastic images on your smartphone and then gives you the techniques behind capturing and processing said images. Â The Guardian...
by Jeremy | Nov 4, 2011 | Business, Commercial, Equipment, FYP
I don’t often go on a rant but this is my Molly Wood! A recent amazing display of lack of understanding for technical matters related to photography by a company whose business predicates on the medium brought me to the point of writing this article. At...
by Jeremy | Jul 20, 2011 | Beginners, Equipment, FYP, Tips
Lens choices are often very perplexing but they are critical to the final photograph. Or to put it in simple terms, if you have a top of the line body and a mediocre lens you’ll get a mediocre photograph, if you have a mediocre camera body and a great lens, all...
by Jeremy | Jan 19, 2011 | Beginners, Equipment, FYP, Tips
Photography is all about the desire to create art and capture beauty but there is a degree of technical know how required to capture good images. I will go through the top techniques that you must master to create good images in the following tenets. RAW vs. JPG As...
by Jeremy | Oct 19, 2010 | Beginners, Equipment, FYP, Tips, Web Service
As photographers there is a constant need to improve our skill, not just the desire that we want to take better photographs but also in the respect that we seek inspiration and the inspiration will come in the forms of wanting to try a new technique. This means that...
by Jeremy | Aug 16, 2010 | Equipment, FYP, Lighting, Tips, Tips and Techniques
Modern cameras make much use of technology, for exposure measurement they use the 18% grey scale method. This method assumes that regardless of what you are metering in your viewfinder that it must equivocate to 18% grey scale; this is the technological equivalent...