Dear Readers:
Houston, we have had a problem!
Over the past few weeks we have experienced crippling challenges with the site. I recent weeks a database problem made it impossible to add content to your favorite photography site. At times it also crippled the site from rendering pages as you requested them in your browser. I’m now very pleased to advise that those times are now behind us! Additionally, in the past week we have taken the opportunity to move the entire site to Amazon’s Elastic Computing Cloud.
OK, enough of the Babel! What this means to you is that Fuel Your Photography is back and it is going to be faster and better than ever. It means that you have some great new articles on the way including some awesome new Indie Spotlights from around the world and great new tutorials, inspirational articles from our team of writers who have taken the break from writing during our downtime to practice their craft and shoot new and exciting images.
We are excited to be back and thankful for the opportunity to be a catalyst for your photography. We look forward to bringing you some exciting new techniques to grow your own skill. If there are any techniques or topics you’d like us to cover let me know by dropping me an email or commenting on this article.
It is great to be back! Until next time.
Take care!
-Â Jeremy